Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Chocolate Bar

Well I died and went to chocolate heaven today. It's called The Chocolate Bar and I'm sure it's nothing new for people around this area. But I had never been there so it was a must for my birthday. Thursday I told my hubby, "Just FYI, Saturday is my birthday and I want to go to The Chocolate Bar". So we went. Baby screamed the whole way there but it was still worth it. I chose the hot chocolate. Not normal hot chocolate. We're talking sipping chocolate, people. YUM!! I had two choices. The small which was the size of tiny bathroom dixie cup or the regular which was about the size of a Starbucks small. Of course I chose the bigger one. After all, it is my birthday. Even though the chocolaty goodness tasted like pure bliss topped with whipped cream, I couldn't begin to finish it. Next time I will order the tiny one. Lesson learned. Baby screamed the whole way home but still totally worth it. When we got home we had dance lessons. Brooke didn't want us to put her ear drops in so I told her I would do a really crazy dance for her when she was done. Somehow that did the trick and when she was done I proceeded to show her my "kid n play" dance moves. Then came the roger rabbit and even some combo hip hop moves straight from my middle school cheer camp. How do I remember this stuff? After that all of us girls were in the dancing mood so I made my hubbs get off the computer and show the girls he knows how to two step. After much coercing he finally gave in. How sweet it is to see a daddy dancing with his girls. I think he enjoyed it too. Overall, an amazing day!!! Thank you God for giving me another year and an amazing family!

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