Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Results

This is how our garden turned out! This is a picture from last week. Since that time we've added a few flowers to the pot and the beds to attract pollinators. Newer pics to come soon. Hopefully with luscious vegetables growing in abundance and bright and beautiful flowers attracting butterflies!! Ok, maybe not quite that extravagant but a girl can dream

The Long Awaited Vegetable Garden

I've been talking about making a vegetable garden for a couple of years now and this Spring it finally happened! Of course I needed my hub's help in doing this, and this year, much to my delight, he was ready and willing! Maybe it was because it was a beautiful day (last weekend!!) or maybe it was because I had also mentioned going downtown to the zoo. Perhaps staying around here sounded much better than a big trek to the zoo. Nevertheless, we did it. What started with an afternoon trip to Home Depot ended with what I hope to be a fruitful garden! We started with a few bags of soil, "poop", and peat moss.We picked out tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, bell peppers, parsley, lavender, and cilantro

The Girls helped a lot. Brooke helped mix the soil and kept saying "I'm digging in poop!" Only my Brookey Baby would get a kick out of this!